Relative Values movie storyline. A comedy of discriminating taste and dirty little secrets, the story is set in 1952 England, where Nigel, the Earl of Marshwood, woos Hollywood star Miranda Frayle, upsetting both his mother, Countess Felicity of Marshwood, and her former love, fellow Hollywood star Don Lucas.
Right before the engagement party to be held at Marshwood, Moxie, the Countess’s personal maid and best friend reveals that Miranda is her estranged sister. Crestwell, the Countess’s butler, quickly devises a plan-but an inebriated Lucas’s arrival at Marshwood to try to talk to Miranda causes all chaos to break loose.
Relative Values is a 2000 British comedy film adaptation of the 1950s play of the same name by Noël Coward. It stars Julie Andrews, Colin Firth, William Baldwin, Edward Atterton, Stephen Fry and Jeanne Tripplehorn, and was directed by Eric Styles. It was filmed on location in the Isle of Man, mainly at The Nunnery, with scenes at Kirk Braddan.
Relative Values (2000)
Directed by: Eric Styles
Starring: Julie Andrews, Colin Firth, William Baldwin, Edward Atterton, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Stephen Fry, Stephanie Beacham, Gaye Brown, William Baldwin
Screenplay by: Paul Rattigan
Production Design by: Humphrey Jaeger
Cinematography by: Jimmy Dibling
Film Editing by: Caroline Limmer
Costume Design by: Nic Ede
Art Direction by: Kate Evenden
Music by: John Debney
MPAA Rating: PG for language.
Distributed by: First Look International
Release Date: June 23, 2000
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