Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 (1990)

Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)

Taglines: Some tales are told, then soon forgotten. But a legend… is forever.

Leatherface bludgeons a young woman, Gina, to death with a sledgehammer and cuts off her face to make it into a mask while Gina’s sister Sara watches from a nearby window. Sometime later, a couple traveling through Texas, Michelle and Ryan, reach the Last Chance Gas Station, where they meet a hitchhiker named Tex and the station’s owner Alfredo.

A fight soon breaks out between Tex and Alfredo when Tex finds Alfredo spying on Michelle as she uses the station restroom. As Michelle and Ryan flee in their car, they witness Alfredo apparently killing Tex with a shotgun. When Ryan and Michelle become lost, the driver of a large truck throws a dead coyote at their windshield. As Ryan changes the car’s flat tire, Leatherface ambushes them, but they manage to drive off unscathed.

Afterwards, Michelle, Ryan, and another driver, a survivalist named Benny, crash when a bloodied Tex leaps in front of the car. Michelle, Ryan, and Benny decide to find Tex. On the way, Benny discovers a hook-handed man named Tinker, who offers his assistance in setting down road flares. Benny soon realizes Tinker’s real intentions after he finds a damaged chainsaw in the back of his truck.

Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)

He flees and encounters Leatherface, but is saved by Sara, who had earlier escaped Leatherface. Benny learns that Sara’s entire family was killed, and that Leatherface and his family are watching the roads. Benny hears Michelle and Ryan calling for him and leaves Sara; Leatherface kills her with his chainsaw a short time later. Leatherface then attacks Michelle and Ryan, capturing the latter when he gets caught in a bear trap.

Escaping, Michelle locates a house and is captured by Tex, who brings her into the kitchen and introduces her to the already deceased and decomposed “Grandpa”. Tinker then drags in the badly injured Ryan, whom he and Tex suspend upside-down with a pair of meat hooks. When Leatherface returns home, Tex equips him a large golden chainsaw.

Outside the house, Benny finds and attempts to interrogate Alfredo but is unsuccessful, eventually knocking Alfredo into the bog and leaving him to drown. As the family prepare for dinner in the kitchen, the Little Girl kills Ryan with a sledgehammer-swinging device. Leatherface prepares to kill Michelle as well, but Benny opens fire on the house with an automatic rifle. In the process, Anne is killed, Tinker and Tex are injured, and Michelle escapes.

Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III is a 1990 American slasher film directed by Jeff Burr. The film is the second sequel to the 1974 film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and stars Kate Hodge, Ken Foree, William Butler, and Viggo Mortensen.

The film was distributed by New Line Cinema, who bought the rights to the franchise from The Cannon Group. Initially, this film was given an X-rating by the Motion Picture Association of America, which limited the studio’s release possibilities. After the studio made cuts, it was re-rated R, and New Line released it on January 12, 1990. It was refused classification in the UK upon its initial release. It has since been released on home video in both unrated and R-rated versions, and a cut version was accepted with an 18 certificated in the UK.

Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III Movie Poster (1990)

Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 (1990)

Directed by: Jeff Burr
Starring: Kate Hodge, William Butler, Ken Foree, Tom Hudson, Viggo Mortensen, Joe Unger, R.A. Mihailoff, Miriam Byrd-Nethery,Caroline Williams
Screenplay by: David J. Schow
Production Design by: Mick Strawn
Cinematography by: James L. Carter
Film Editing by: Brent A. Schoenfeld
Set Decoration by: Rebecca Carriaga
Art Direction by: Ella St. John Blakey
Distributed by: New Line Cinema
Release Date: January 12, 1990

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