Awakening of the old Bitcoin address with a volume of $30M

Awakening of the old Bitcoin address with a volume of $30M

Old Bitcoin address takes action.

An old Bcoin address that has been inactive for nearly 9 years went into action last Sunday. All 616 BTC at the address were transferred to another wallet. The address contained 616,2004 BTC since December 12, 2012. In the meantime, it is worth noting that the price of BTC at that time was at the level of $ 13.30.

The current value of 616 BTC, which was bought when 1 BTC was about $13, is about $30M. The increase in earnings by 358,655 percent in 9 years is of course quite remarkable.

Another Bitcoin wallet worth about $5M, which has been inactive since June 2010, was in action earlier this year. Likewise, a wallet from February 2009 turned into $500K in cash. In particular, it was quite remarkable that 50 BTC worth $500K was moved in a single transaction and divided into two addresses. At the time, there were also rumors that this transaction had something to do with the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

BTCs, which were owned with only a few dollars of investment in the early 2010s, are very valuable today. That’s why some old wallets go online from time to time, and people who have invested in the early 2010s turn their BTC into cash. Others take advantage of the opportunity to have a significant impact on the market.

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