Bitcoin prices by year to 2021 from 2010

Bitcoin prices by year to 2021 from 2010

The Bitcoin network was first established in 2009 and started its life from scratch. As of May 22, 2010, it has always maintained its leadership in the crypto money exchange by rising rapidly. Bitcoin, which has made thousands of people wealthy with its rapid rise, has been on the agenda of the world in recent years and continues to be the subject of news. According to the comments of experts and analysts in this process, BTC has not yet seen its peak and will continue to rise.

On the other hand, some experts predict that the value of Bitcoin will decrease or even fall to around $4K. Time will tell us the answer to all of these. Bitcoin, which went up to $65K in May 2021, is now wondering about the prices compared to previous years.

The price of Bitcoin, which was $0 dollars in 2009, was $0,06 in 2010 and $6,05 in 2011 AND $65k İN 2021. Here is the comparative Bitcoin price by years. So what are the prices of Bitcoin according to the dates, how has the price of Bitcoin changed? Here are Bitcoin prices by year.

Bitcoin prices by Year

Bitcoin price in 2009: $0
Bitcoin price in 2010: $0.06
Bitcoin price in 2011: $6.05
Bitcoin price in 2012: $8.46
Bitcoin price in 2013: $189.54
Bitcoin price in 2014: $526.02
Bitcoin price in 2015: $272.36
Bitcoin price in 2016: $567.27
Bitcoin price in 2017: $4,001.16
Bitcoin price in 2018: $7,558.21
Bitcoin price in 2019: $7,196
Bitcoin price in 2020: $29,000
Bitcoin price in 2021: $65,000

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