Crypto mining power could be a new chance for the US

Crypto mining power could be a new chance for the US

China has excluded cryptocurrency miners and has taken a stance that they want to drive them out of the country. US crypto miners were most pleased with this development. The US, which is known to hold more than 51% of crypto money investments in the world, holds more than 51% of the 1.5 trillion dollar market value as of today, and this shows that US whales and investors are the ropes and the main driver in the crypto money market.

However, until recently, China had a great power in its hands: miners. It is ignored that China, which is expected to lose all this power in the near future, has begun to smuggle its mining power in the country to the USA, with its mining devices and experienced crypto currency miners.

US Investors Are Very Happy

US miners claim that China’s loss of influence in the mining area will prevent possible network attacks in the future, but the number of investors and miners who do not agree with this is many. In particular, the American miners, who stated that China may cause a major collapse by instructing all miners to stop trading in the crypto money market in the future, and that it will not be possible for conspiracy scenarios to take place from now on, say, “China’s loss of power is in favor of America…”.

Although the number of US miners was extremely high, until recently, China knew no rivals in this regard. Although countries such as Georgia, the USA, China and Canada are at the top of Bitcoin mining, the summit is expected to pass from China to the USA in the next few months. China, on the other hand, has been keeping its place on the agenda for quite a long time with its claims that it is silent on this issue and, on the contrary, is using a policy of pressure and intimidation.

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