Is it possible to become addicted to cryptocurrencies?

Is it possible to become addicted to cryptocurrencies?

Although Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was created in January 2009, we have just begun to feel the existence of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Of course, the existence of these digital currencies also creates the concept of addiction, which makes living extremely difficult.

With the emergence of cryptocurrencies, the concept of money has become more abstract. With this intangibility, the payment methods we use in our daily lives have diversified and continue to diversify. In other words, you can buy products from some stores by paying with crypto money, or you can pay with crypto money to access various services on the internet.

Cryptocurrencies, which have a decentralized structure, are increasing their popularity day by day as they offer both fast payment advantages and investment opportunities. Although crypto money, also known as virtual money, offers us various benefits, there is an addiction underlying this concept that should be taken seriously.

Although the cryptocurrency market is similar to the traditional stock market in some respects, it differs from the stock market as we know it by being constantly open, containing many and fast transactions, and always fluctuating. For example, after a person buys Dollars or Euros with local currency and starts investing, he does not constantly follow the foreign exchange exchange. The cryptocurrency market, unlike the foreign exchange exchange, requires regular monitoring. As you can see, if you are thinking of investing in crypto money, you should be able to afford to interrupt your good sleep with the 03:00 alarm and open the cryptocurrency charts in front of you.

Is it possible to become addicted to cryptocurrencies?

Although regular monitoring, which is a necessity of the cryptocurrency market, makes people think that they cannot do this, some people hold on tightly to this regular monitoring. Later, this possessiveness evolves into addiction. This addiction is called virtual money addiction or cryptocurrency addiction, and this addiction actively manifests itself in the world of psychology.

Cryptocurrency addiction, which is similar in nature to gambling addiction, occurs as a result of people starting to invest in various cryptocurrencies with the aim of making money easily. This addiction, which generally affects young people, is defined as an impulse control disorder.

In other words, because of this addiction, people who invest in the cryptocurrency world come to control the digital money market 24/7. Even if these people realize the extremity of this control situation, they cannot move away from the cryptocurrency charts and cannot leave the computer. It is also worth emphasizing that these people want to experience the extreme we are talking about. For them, this extremism does not pose a danger because these people want to be constantly involved with cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency addiction, which is likely to affect people who focus on consuming rather than producing, basically manifests itself by following the cryptocurrency market regularly and not giving up on this follow-up. Of course, like every addiction, this type of addiction has other symptoms.

For example, if a person exhibits insomnia, frequently checks the investments stored in his cryptocurrency wallets, does not socialize or only talks about cryptocurrencies when socializing, has a high level of anxiety, treats his loved ones, especially his family members, with a rude attitude, refrains from taking care of his hobbies, and If he spends more money than necessary, we can say that this person is addicted to cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency addiction, which negatively affects daily life, business life and human relations, is very likely to appear in people who have made bets before. We would also like to point out that people who make quick decisions, like to take risks, get very excited, have impatience, are constantly looking for innovations and work in a job related to the stock market may also have this addiction.

Although this addiction can affect people with different characteristics, there is a treatment process designed for this situation. The first task falls to the individuals around people with this addiction; In order to overcome this addiction, it is necessary to keep people who have it away from cryptocurrencies. If there is someone around you who has this addiction, you can block that person’s platforms related to cryptocurrencies from their mobile devices and you can never mention the concepts in the cryptocurrency world during your conversations.

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