This is the future. Welcome to the Blockchain

This is the future. Welcome to the Blockchain

Now going back to how artificial intelligence and blockchains work together, here are some use cases of artificial intelligence applied to blockchain:

1. Proof of Human-action

This one is a little more experimental, but it’s a potential use case that could make the whole blockchain process run a lot smoother. What it is, is using AI to verify human-actions. “Human-actions” in this case could be things as simple as transferring a certain amount of currency from one account to another, it could also mean performing a certain action like sending a message, or making an API call.

Now if you could program an AI to witness and recognize a specific human performing a specific action, then you could theoretically use that AI to track the human’s actions on a blockchain. The AI would be able to “know” that the human transferred currency from an investor A to investor B, for example, because it would see the transaction on the blockchain. This would make it easier to track business deals and the like. The example is a little simplistic, but the potential uses are endless.

2. Smart Contract Auditing

Combining the ideas above, it should also be possible to create smart contracts that themselves perform certain actions when certain triggers are met, such as a currency exchange. The contract could automatically buy up a certain amount of a specific currency at a fixed rate, for instance. The contract would then sit and wait for someone to buy said currency at a certain price.

When the price is matched, the contract would automatically perform the transaction and buy the amount of currency that was agreed upon by the two parties. This use case would be especially useful for companies or organizations with large amounts of currency that they want to liquidate but can’t because they are bound by a smart contract to some other asset that has value, but not enough value to perform a buyback. Combining this with the idea above would allow companies to perform buybacks without having to spend money to buy their assets back.

3. Autonomous Organization

This is less of a use case and more of a long-term goal, but it should be possible to create organizations that exist solely on the blockchain. Not only would this be a means of organization for disorganized groups, but it would also allow for whole new types of organizations never before possible.

Imagine a whole new class of worker organization that exists solely on the blockchain. Members would be able to set their work hours, be paid in cryptocurrency rather than the organization collecting dues in currency, etc. The possibilities here are endless when it comes to structuring the perfect worker’s utopia.

There are endless other possibilities, some good, some bad, some that will never be possible. AI and blockchain technology are both still in their infancy and will both continue to improve in the years to come. Only time will tell which ideas are practical and which will be discarded.

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