The Graph is an indexing protocol for data queries on Ethereum and similar networks. It provides data with API for Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and applications in the web3 ecosystem. Anyone who needs data to be publicly available can create and publish open APIs called Subgraph. The Graph protocol is currently able to index data on the Ethereum blockchain and the distributed file storage system IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).
How The Graph (GRT) Works
While indexing the data, The Graph learns how to classify which data on Ethereum and IPFS, taking into account the definitions in the data requests called Subgraph. Supgraph’s description determines what the smart contract will look for, the events these contracts will consider, and how it will map this data in the database.
Descriptions made when creating a Subgraph are considered the Supgraph manifest. After the Supgraph manifest is created, that is, the data to be indexed is determined, the description is saved in the distributed network using the Graph Command Line Interface (CLI). Finally, the indexing process is started for the Subgraph created in the service on the server.
With The Graph network, developers can develop applications independent of central servers. At the same time, users can take a role in the network. There are four key roles in The Graph network:
Indexers search and index across the blockchain and IPFS using the queries contained in the generated Subgraphs. Indexers earn GRT as a reward for their searches and indexing.
Editors are users who create Subgraphs. Supgraphs contain basic information for the data to be indexed. Indexers use this information to query and collect data. Editors pay with GRT to create Supgraphs.
Assigners are users who support the decentralization of the network and Indexers on the network without running a node. By assigning their GRT assets to the Indexers, they contribute to the more efficient operation of the Indexers. In return for their contribution, Assigners are eligible to receive a portion of the Indexers’ GRT revenues from query fees.
Consumers are users who perform queries using Subgrahs and retrieve data from The Graph network. Consumers pay with GRT for their inquiries. Revenues from queries are transferred to Indexers and Assigners.
How to Store The Graph (GRT)?
ERC20-based The Graph (GRT) can be stored in Ethereum wallets that support ERC20 assets. BtcTurk | You can use Ethereum wallets that support ERC20 to deposit and withdraw GRT from your PRO account.
You can use browser-based Ethereum wallets to manage your GRT balance. You can make your GRT deposits and withdrawals with Web3.0 browser plug-in wallets (Metamask etc.), desktop, web, mobile or online wallets. GRT can also be stored in hardware wallets that support the Ethereum (ETH) network.
You can use browser-based Metamask wallet or mobile wallets that support Wallet Connect infrastructure to connect to The Graph network and perform your GRT assignments to Indexers.
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