Casting Bourne Legacy: Tell me your name

Casting Bourne Legacy: Tell Me Your Name

Casting Bourne Legacy: Tell me your name. For Tony Gilroy, finding the ideal performers to give life to the scenario was the most crucial element in putting together the film. “Everything else can be fixed or pushed and bickered in a way,” he said. “Acting is magic. I learned that long ago.”

To play the role of Aaron Cross, the filmmakers turned to Oscar ® nominee Jeremy Renner, an artist comfortable with drama as it is in action. “The reason why such an actor Jeremy amazing is that it is a complicated guy,” said Gilroy. “It is sweet and it is difficult, and he lets pull all this, all the time.”

The director said he is an admirer of the work of Renner: “I had watched The Hurt Locker 18 times in each scene, it is molecularly involved in the physical aspect of what happens when he has the integrity, this… feet-on-the ground and realize this surprising, explosive intelligence, Jeremy’s cousin made perfect for Bourne.”

“Jeremy is an actor of such intensity and intelligence,” added Smith. “We have seen in his performances he leaves the screen, grabs you by the throat and takes you on an incredible journey.”

After his Academy Award ®-nominated roles in both The Hurt Locker and the city, Renner went on to make his mark as an action hero in the blockbuster Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol and global behemoth that was The Avengers.

He said he was a fan of the Bourne series and the performance of a particular man: “What did Matt Damon, and that the previous directors have done, it was great for those who love the franchise, I’m not replacing Matt. I would not do. He would never have been interesting if I took more and play the same character. Matt is still the face of Jason Bourne and should always be. J ‘ liked this script because it was a very interesting way of continuing the story while respecting what came before.”

The Bourne Legacy Movie

The artist develops the underlying principle that Gilroy, although Cross travel in a world that is parallel to Bourne, the Cross is not aware of the Bourne. Renner reflects: “They do not know each other, so it does a brand new on the reasons for these spies are supersoldier how they are now, I hope I can bring a fresh perspective to it.”

Renner will separate the Bourne Legacy retains the realistic tone of the previous films. “It does not change the world CGI or massive explosions,” he said. “There is genuine. It was important for me to want to find the humanity in this character.” He found its filmmakers were just as interested in these concepts. “What matters is that there credibility in everything we do in the film. Whatever is the cascade or configuration, all based in reality, the truth and the potential of science. As an actor, it’s easy to hang.”

Unlike Bourne, Cross is well aware of who he is and where he came from: a wounded soldier in the Middle East several years ago. Once he escapes from the Yukon, Cross travel back to the U.S. to find one of his few contacts in profit, and the only person who can help you stay alive, Dr. Marta Shearing.

Crowley said about an issue that has embarrassed the team since the beginning of the first film: One of the biggest challenges we had was how to deal with a leading lady in the film. With the pace and intensity of the films, it is difficult to take the time to develop a relationship, is more connected with Jason Bourne is usually the kiss of death. Because we have a new start, we can introduce a woman in the story without feeling artificial.”

Casting Bourne Legacy: Tell Me Your Name

The role of Marta needed not only a talented actress, but also one who would be willing to take on special requests that the requested Party. Explains Gilroy. “Marta is an accomplished researcher with some real emotional chaos in his private life, she was ignoring some pretty heavy moral contradictions in his work for the result, and when things explode it launched almost as an unconditional Odyssey than any other character I have ever written. And by the end of the film, it is not just survive, she kick your ass. It is a demanding role.”

The delight of the filmmakers, the Academy Award ® winner Rachel Weisz, known for his powerful performance in films like The Constant Gardener, The Lovely Bones and The Whistleblower, was eager for the challenges ahead and the results were more than they had hoped. Gilroy recalls, “The bar is very high credibility in this franchise, and it gave us more than we’ve ever dreamed of I knew how it was, but I was still surprised by that it on film It almost exceeded .. my expectations every day. ”

Marta is a workaholic, devoted to his groundbreaking research as a biochemist in a top-secret laboratory in Maryland. Weisz reflects: “.. It is on the cutting edge of science, and believes it is to contribute to his country, but at the same time, she secretly know what she is doing is of great moral ambiguity of the “Marta choice to ignore the potential consequences of his essays on patients intrigued with the actress. “I would be less interested in her if she did something good and save the world. What it does is a little dubious.”

The social life of Marta is upset and she becomes a target when profit is quickly arrested and is seen as simply residual cleaning. Aaron, a man she considered several times in four years, but is not clear in time to save her, and the two soon form a relationship of necessity. “Marta is reluctant to go with him, but she has no alternative,” says Weisz. “People who represent law and order in his country just tried to kill her. She is an ordinary woman who happens to be good at science, but not good at evading the police authorities of the planet.”

Weisz was intrigued by the backstories that Gilroys was created for these two characters. “They are incredibly resulted in very different ways,” says Weisz. “Marta and Aaron come from completely different backgrounds, and they end up relying on one another for different reasons. This is a really fascinating way to create a story. ”

During filming in New York and South Asia, Weisz and Renner discovered that she had similar approaches to their work. “We’re very different people, and we come from different backgrounds, but we have to work the same way,” the actress observes. “Jeremy very free and loose and pretty wild, and wonderful to work with. I loved every minute in front of him.” Weisz also sees a bit of a rebel in his director: “Tony has the very spirit roll rock ‘n’, which is” Finding chaos and abandonment, and let’s go “, which is excellent to act This is an unusual combination in one. writer / director, and I am happy to be in his group.”

To act as ret. Col. Rick Byer, ruthless head of the organization behind NRAG-secret program agents that began with Treadstone, has evolved into Blackbriar, and is now operating income, among many others, the filmmakers distribution Oscar ® nominee Edward Norton. When the results is in danger of being exposed to public view, Byer cut its losses by deciding to stop and move on.

Fox explains how the character Byer shows the Gilroy nuanced approach to the characterization: “Tony explores how individuals within organizations are given license to behave unscrupulous: Tilda Swinton in Michael Clayton, both Tom Wilkinson and Paul Giamatti in Duplicity, and now Edward Norton and his team at Legacy. They are powerful antagonists, as they hold their belief and purpose of the benefit they believe to be serving. The familiar movie trope of the individual against the machine is made more complicated, confusing and real because it portrays the reality behind individual motivations.”

Gilroy expands why the selection of this antagonist was so important: “We were casting the entire brain of the franchise we knew we would tell the audience that this is the guy who was sitting next to you in the theater the last. . 12 years while watching the live CIA for him we needed a world class player, we needed weight We needed someone with the kind of intelligence that is in the room before the scene begins, and above all I needed an actor I could collaborate. with to ensure that the worldview Ric Byer has not been completely painted black. He believes he is one of very few people who can support the weight of moral darkness needed to keep his country safe.”

Norton described his interest in joining a film with a history rooted in the rooms of government-funded intelligence: “I see a recurring theme in all the films of Tony I think it is timely and intelligent, he was delving into how companies have impregnated. our culture and threaten to undermine us from different angles. I liked that in this film, it was to explore how power is exercised in the link between business and government… questioning who works for whom.”

The artist appreciated Gilroy colorful characters in its moral gradations. Although Byer is hell-bent clear result, his motivations (in spirit) are those sounds. Shares Norton: “All characters in this film are painted in shades of gray Tony has not developed a network of heroes and villains Everyone has made some compromises and rationalizations in and around some of what they do… My character certainly, but even Rachel and Jeremy too. It is digging in the way people have their best instincts and ideals co-opted by a number of different ways. I like this kind of complexity.”

Marshall was impressed by the ability of Norton straddling the line between a man of his country and a cold-blooded executioner who sees the emergence of Bourne as an infection that must be contained. Welcomes the producer: “Edward, it kills, it’s just a spectacular player and is great to play the” villain “in the room But Byer is not just a villain, he is just the guy who is after Aaron Cross Of we had several of these types …. along the way, Edward is particularly difficult.”

To launch the roles of Byer of staff, scientific experts, intelligence and surveillance that track Aaron and Marta from their center in Washington, DC, Gilroy drew on the New York theater world. “Tony is a guy from New York,” Crowley sharing. “He knows both theater and film New York very well. It’s exciting to be drawn from this pool of people.”

Tony Award winner Donna Murphy (Passion of Broadway and The King and I), was cast as dedicated Byer of second captain, Dita, the “nun” in Byer of “priest.” “It is his wingman, or wingwoman,” says Murphy. “She has a background with the CIA, it is a very good scientific Much of his work is to be listening on that when he needed Byer something, it is three steps ahead.”.

Other artists who were brought on board to play the main team members of Byer include Obie Award Winner Michael Ingram as Chernus, and Corey Stoll, recently nominated for a Drama Desk Award for Intimate Apparel off-Broadway and has made a memorable appearance as Ernest Hemingway in Midnight in Paris, like Vendel.

As Aaron and Marta prove elusive, a new subcommittee of the Government Blackbriar investigation adds to the tense atmosphere in the subsequent crisis where Byer and his staff are holed up. Probably the most disturbed by the public program is to become Terry Ward, head of a firm with intimate ties to the result. Ward is played by the New York theater actor Dennis Boutsikaris, the Obie Award winner for Sight Unseen. Boutsikaris Ward described the relationship with Byer controversial, with Ward ultimately outgunned. “Ward wants to think that it is superior Byer, and it is not clear,” the actions of actors. “Ward wants to be a leader with no leadership qualities.”

At the suggestion of Gilroy, Boutsikaris has his hair cut and beard shaved brand, in order to play the color of the company. “We talked on the phone, and Tony told me that the hair and everything was changing,” recalls Boutsikaris. “The whole feeling was how smooth he wanted to make my character.”

As the tension escalates in The War Room, Ward also clashes with the imposing ret. Turso adm. The military commander who oversees result is played by veteran actor Stacy Keach, who described his character as “a patriot and a man whose authority is there.” Turso speaks to his team in a complex language that is quite specific at work. Reflects Keach: “Tony is an extraordinary talent, as it creates its own language Bourne franchise has one of his own, he is intelligent, very human and personal The thing with this kind of dialogue is to make the conversation and just sort of throw … it away without making it too melodramatic.”

Keach acknowledges that the scenes with Turso, Byer and NRAG team were particularly engaging. “The great thing about this franchise is the amazing balance between action, adventure, intrigue and suspense,” he said. “You have two very different environments:. External environment where you follow the Cross and his exploits in the world, and then you have the room or crisis of environmental monitoring as a member of the audience This combination keeps you on the edge of your seat because you see something at the same time people in the film are looking at it. ”

Complementing the cast members that are new to the franchise are Oscar Isaac Bourne and Louis Ozawa CHANGCHIEN. Isaac describes Result # 3 of first interactions with the Cross as a “Western”. He shares: “My character lived in a cabin for a month by itself with zero communication with the outside worldâ € | other than the occasional drop by one of these guys.” When Cross arrives at n 3 to remote base several days in advance, No. 3 is suspect as well, Cross does not trust his counterpart. “They are like dogs that are circles and sniff each other,” suggests Isaac. They are not necessarily posturing as they are uncertain. It’s dangerous.”

It turns out that # 3 is not the only Cross (aka # 5) should be concerned. Byer assured his back this result would not be the final. He has another program in motion, and it is known LARX.

Changchien, who, in the role of LARX No. 3, an operator based in Bangkok, had to be comfortable with the speed and with great heights. “I think the decathlete LARX spies,” laughs Changchien, an actor who recently starred in Predators. To prepare for the role, Changchien traveled from his native New York to Los Angeles, where he repeated with the second team unit director Dan Bradley for several weeks. In this camp, Changchien learned the basics of parkour-how to move the obstacles with speed and effectiveness of practice-jumps from great heights and completed an intensive stunt riding. This would come in handy as his character Marta and Aaron hunting through the narrow streets and crowded Manila.

Related Link: View the Full Production Notes for The Bourne Legacy

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