John Carter Movie Theatrical Trailer

John Carter Movie Theatrical Trailer. This is an effects-heavy science fiction adventure based on the popular and influential book series, and those unfamiliar with the books may have difficulty understanding the complex mythology and terminology. As such, while heavy on effects, creatures, and action, kids may have trouble understanding it all. Young adult males are the target, and the more recognizable names in the cast such as Willem Dafoe play unrecognizable alien creatures. Some violence and scary moments may be too intense for very young children.

The film tells the story of war-weary, former military captain John Carter who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly embroiled in a conflict of epic proportions amongst the inhabitants of the planet, including Tars Tarkas and the captivating Princess Dejah Thoris. In a world on the brink of collapse, Carter rediscovers his humanity when he realizes that the survival of Barsoom and its people rests in his hands.

John Carter Movie Theatrical Trailer

John Carter

Directed by: Andrew Stanton
Starring: Mark Strong, Polly Walker, Lynn Collins, Willem Dafoe, Ciaran Hinds, Bryan Cranston, Dominic West
Screenplay by: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Michael Chabon, Andrew Stanton
Production Design by: Nathan Crowley
Cinematography by: Daniel Mindel
Film Editing by: Eric Zumbrunnen
Costume Design by: Mayes C. Rubeo
Set Decoration by: Paki Smith
Music by: Michael Giacchino
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action.
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Release Date: March 9, 2012

Related Link: View the Full Production Notes for John Carter

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