Madonna set to debut her film on duke and duchess

Madonna set to debut her film on duke and duchess

The focus in the coming days is Madonna the musician. She is set to perform halftime at the Super Bowl on Sunday and her new single, “Give Me All Your Luvin'”, with the white-hot Nicki Minaj, hits the airwaves this week.

But the superstar, 53, is surely hoping that some of the spotlight will shine on his new film, ‘W.E.’ famous novel about the American socialite between the divorced Wallis Simpson of Great Britain and King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne for the love of the 1930s.

“For me, life was so diverse, complex and interesting, and there were so many different perspectives to approach the story from,” Madonna said in a recent interview about the film, which opens Friday.

Madonna does not play in “WE” – She is the director of the film. It tells the story of Simpson (Andrea Riseborough) through the perspective of a modern-day woman (played by Abbie Cornish) obsessed with legendary romance between Edward and Simpson.

The union is often presented as the ultimate example of true love: Simpson was married when the couple began their relationship and was forever scandalized the royal circles. When Edward became king, he had planned to marry, but the opposition to the union was so great, he chose to abandon his kingdom. The two later, Sam and became known as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

For some it was a fairy tale modern-day, but it is a concept demystifies Madonna in “WE”

“I think many women have a fantasy about what happens to them when they meet Mr. Right, Mr. Perfect, Mr. Complete Me, then you realize it does not really exist , “said the double divorced icon as she spoke of the film in a suite at the Waldorf Astoria.” Love is, I’m still a romantic, but it is not the fairy tales that we are all led to believe… where the prince comes and kiss you.”

This is a message from Madonna used to teach his daughter when the star Lourdes would read stories featuring a typical sleeping damsel in distress who is rescued by a knight.

“I get to the end of the story and go, ‘Hey, wait a second one. Asked her what she wanted’… I suddenly began to see how all these misleading tales Fairies were, “she said.

She added: “I think ultimately we have to save us … You will be seriously set you up for failure and disappointment if you think someone is going to save you. “.

Wally, the main character, learns the same message in “WE” She discovered the fictionalized story of the couple said in recent decades was not what he seemed, after diving into in-depth research on the subject .

In real life, is how Madonna has learned the couple. She read books, studied their articles when they went to auction and interviewed at least one of their contemporaries.

“I’ve never been so blown away by the level of preparation before an administrator. She had done so much research,” said James D’Arcy, who plays Edward.

D’Arcy said that Madonna sent him several books to read on his character, and most of the books have been strongly influenced by Madonna taking notes.

“When she spoke, she spoke passionately about such huge tell that story,” he added. “His enthusiasm was infectious throughout.”

Madonna’s interest in the Duke and Duchess was piqued after moving to the United Kingdom during her marriage to Guy Ritchie.

“I started to look kind of subject, as, being a foreigner, being a stranger, trying to understand this new country I lived in a class system that America has not,” says she said.

“For me, life was so diverse, complex and interesting, and there were so many different perspectives to approach the story from, and I also realized that people were quite polarized on its as a person as a character in the story, “she said. “People were so stubborn about it.”

Although most of the legend around the couple involved in their romance, there are those who have painted a less favorable portrait of Windsor as Nazi sympathizers. In the film, the concept is clearly rejected, and Madonna insists there is no solid evidence to substantiate these claims, saying a meeting between the beginning when the King and Adolf Hitler came long before Hitler would many enemies in the world.

“After he abdicated, they used… he shared a meal with him… as a kind of proof that he was a Nazi sympathizer because he was part of the determination of the institution in turn the world against him, and to diminish his popularity when his brother came to the throne because he was really loved by the people, “she said.

Simpson was not as expensive. Many people have seen through the lens of a scandal. Some have made comparisons between her and Madonna, both strong women whose sexuality was used against them.

When asked who she saw when she evaluated Simpson, Madonna said: “Part of my goal in making this film was a kind of tell the story from his point of view and set the record straight and not portray not as a saint, not perfect but a human being.

Related Link: View the All About Madonna website

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