Old Enough movie storyline. In New York City, Karen (Rainbow Harvest) is a streetwise teen from a lower-middle-class family, who pursues a friendship with 11-year-old Lonnie (Sarah Boyd). Lonnie is from a wealthy, upper-class family who live in the area. After making friends, they expose each other to the very different lifestyles they live.
In the process they learn lessons each culture has to offer. The situation becomes complicated when Karen’s brother Johnny (Neill Barry) shows interest in Lonnie and Lonnie begins to develop a crush on him. Soon, a sensual new neighbor (Roxanne Hart) moves into Karen’s family’s apartment building and Johnny becomes slightly infatuated with her. Circumstances arise that will test Karen and Lonnie’s friendship.
Old Enough is a 1984 American drama film written and directed by Marisa Silver, produced by Dina Silver, and is also Alyssa Milano’s film debut. A low-budget production, the film screened at the Sundance Film Festival, where it was First Prize.
Old Enough (1984)
Directed by: Marisa Silver
Starring: Sarah Boyd, Rainbow Harvest, Neill Barry, Alyssa Milano, Roxanne Hart, Susan Kingsley, Fran Brill, Anne Pitoniak, Gina Battist
Screenplay by: Marisa Silver
Production Design by: Jeffrey Townsend
Cinematography by: Michael Ballhaus
Film Editing by: Mark Burns
Costume Design by: Teri Kane
Set Decoration by: Leslie A. Pope
Art Direction by: Leslie A. Pope
Music by: Julian Marshall
Distributed by: Orion Classics
Release Date: August 24, 1984
Views: 869