Girls Talk

Girls Talk

Girls Talk

I, Julia Volkova, and I, Elena Katina, admit, that being under drinking age, we have been persuaded to take part in the girl-band called Tattoo by band’s future producer Ivan Shapovalov.

As far as we know, before this band was made, Ivan Shapovalov never had anything to do with music business. He used to make TV commercials and do all kinds of advertising activities.

We (Elena and Julia) used to sing together in a kids-band called “Neposedi”, and I, Julia Volkova, was asked to leave the band for “misbehaving and molesting other band members”.

We (Elena and Julia) met again during audition at MOSFILM studios, when Ivan Shapovalov was looking for girls for his new band. He’s chosen us and we were happy because he promised to make us huge stars.

He made us to sign contracts with him, and according to these contracts we didn’t have any rights to even speak. We just had to do whatever he was telling us to. For example, for “Ya Soshla S Uma” video shoot, I, Lena Katina, had to lose almost 10 kilos, and I, Julia Volkova, had to cut my hair really short and dye it black. And for the next video shoot Shapovalov made us both shave our eyebrows!

However, we admit, that for us to sign a contract with I.Shapovalov was an act of free will. We always wanted to sing together, and now our dream came true. During a past year we became so close, then now feel something more than just friendship towards each other.

Agree with all said above.