Upside Down: Imagine two planets divided by wealth

What if love was stronger than gravity?

Upside Down: Imagine two planets divided by wealth. Lovers Adam (Jim Sturgess) and Eden (Kirsten Dunst) are separated not just by social class and a political system bent on keeping them apart, but also by a freak planetary condition: they live on twinnedworldswith gravities that pull in opposite directions — he onthepoverty-strickenplanetbelow, she onthewealthy, exploitative world above. The planets are so close that their highest mountain peaks almost touch.

That’s where Adam and Eden first meetas children. And later, as teens, where he pullsherdownto his world by a rope to cavort in dual-gravity bliss (visiting the otherplanetdoes not release a person from thegravitational pullof their nativeplanet). Butwheninterplanetary border-patrolagentsattack them, Eden falls back to her world — apparently dead.

Upside Down: Imagine two planets divided by wealth

Ten years later, Adam learns that Eden is alive and working at TransWorld — a vast corporation whose towering headquarters is the only structure that connects the planets — and the only legal means of passing between them.In a desperate attempt to find her, Adamgetsa job at TransWorlddeveloping arevolutionaryface-lift cream based on a secret, gravity-neutralizing ingredientthat has been passed down forgenerationsin his family. From his lower-world cubicle, he quickly setsabout infiltrating theupper-world executive suitesto reconnect with Eden.

And so begins a quest fraught with dangers and challenges — from having to woo Eden all over again because of the memory loss she sufferedin the fall, to fleeing authorities through a topsy-turvy realm where up is sometimes down and down is sometimes up. What if love was stronger than gravity?

Upside Down

Directed by: Juan Diego Solanas
Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Jim Sturgess, Timothy Spall, Agnieshka Wnorowska, Jayne Heitmeyer
Screenplay by: Juan Diego Solanas
Production Design by: Alex McDowell
Cinematography by: Pierre Gill
Film Editing by: Paul Jutras
Costume Design by: Nicoletta Massone
Set Decoration by: Paul Hotte
Art Direction by: Isabelle Guay, Jean-Pierre Paquet
Music by: Benoît Charest
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some violence.
Studio: Millennium Entertainment
Release Date: March 15, 2013

Related Link: View the Full Production Notes for Upside Down

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