Funny Games (1997)
Funny Games storyline. Georg and Anna, and their son Georgie, are traveling to lakeside summer home. Upon arrival, they head off to lake for sailing while Anna prepares dinner in the kitchen.
Funny Games (1997) Read MoreBest Movies from the 1990's
Funny Games storyline. Georg and Anna, and their son Georgie, are traveling to lakeside summer home. Upon arrival, they head off to lake for sailing while Anna prepares dinner in the kitchen.
Funny Games (1997) Read MoreBenny’s Video opens with home video of the slaughter with a captive bolt pistol of a pig on a farm. The video rewinds to play the slaughter in slow motion.
Benny’s Video (1992) Read MoreThe Seventh Continent storyline. A European family who plan on escaping to Australia, seem caught up in their daily routine, only troubled by minor incidents.
The Seventh Continent (1989) Read More