Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)
Star Trek: Insurrection movie storyline. While on a mission to observe the peaceful Ba’ku race, Lt. Commander Data suddenly behaves as if having to fear for his existence.
Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) Read MoreBest Movies from the 1990's
Star Trek: Insurrection movie storyline. While on a mission to observe the peaceful Ba’ku race, Lt. Commander Data suddenly behaves as if having to fear for his existence.
Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) Read MoreThe Prince of Egypt movie storyline. This is the extraordinary tale of two brothers named Moses and Ramses, one born of royal blood, and one an orphan with a secret past.
The Prince of Egypt (1998) Read MoreConspiracy Theory movie stoyline. Conspiracy-theorist New York City taxi driver Jerry Fletcher continually expounds his ideas to his friend Alice Sutton, a lawyer at the Justice Department.
Conspiracy Theory (1997) Read MoreStar Trek: First Contact movie storyline. The crew of the Enterprise-E has been ordered to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone by the Federation to avoid interference with battle against Borg.
Star Trek: First Contact (1996) Read MoreLet It Be Me movie storyline. After becoming engaged to Emily, Gabe finds himself watching a graceful pair of dancers in a dance studio window.
Let It Be Me (1995) Read MoreStar Trek Generations storyline. In the late 23rd century, the gala maiden voyage of Enterprise-B boasts such luminaries as Pavel Chekov, Montgomery Scott and Captain James T. Kirk as guests.
Star Trek Generations (1994) Read MoreRobin Hood: Men in Tights movie storyline. Mel Brooks directed and co-wrote this satiric comedy which lampoons a number of cinematic treatments of the legend of Sherwood Forest.
Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) Read MoreL.A. Story storyline. Harris K. Telemacher is a TV meteorologist living in Los Angeles. He is in dead-end relationship with social-climbing girlfriend Trudi.
L.A. Story (1991) Read More