Forecasts for Dash: Uptrend or downtrend?

Forecasts for Dash: Uptrend or downtrend?

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, as of July 3, 2021, when this article was written, the Dash cryptocurrency is traded at $133.82.

The market value of Dash is close to 2 billion dollars. However, this situation is not unique to Dash. The fact that the digital currency market is currently in a downward trend is something that should always be taken into account in the analysis.

Compared to the prices recorded as of the end of 2017, the current figures today are many times lower than the highest recorded prices. It is very difficult to predict the future in these days when the cryptocurrency market is going through a bottleneck. However, in the most pessimistic estimates; It is estimated that the Dash digital currency will wipe its losses and reach new highs by the end of 2021. The biggest factor in this is that the improvement to be made in technology creates an important expectation.

With its new version called Evolution, DASH not only adds many expected features to its infrastructure, but also determines the building blocks in the blockchain system. Some of the work currently being done on Evolution is listed below. Namely:

A decentralized file system.

A decentralized API that facilitates users to securely access the network.

Decentralized wallet account.

Social Wallet
A social wallet account that allows friend lists, user groups, and multiple shared accounts

Does Dash pay for its investor?

The correct answer to this can be given as follows: Difficult in the short run, but very likely in the long run. The basis at this point is the fact that downward prices are an opportunity for investment.

It is another fact that the Dash digital currency has dropped 500 percent when compared to the prices that peaked in 2017 and the market prices in Juyş 2021. However, the fact that this dynamism in the cryptocurrency markets coincides with a period of increased regulation and control in the sector requires acceptance that this is an important bend that will ensure the correct functioning of the market. Because the rise of technological innovations in a system built with confidence is welcomed by both the user and the investor.

In this context, it is possible to benefit from the positive externality of regulations. We expect that Dash will receive the attention it deserves and its market value will rise after the processes carried out under the Evolution name are fully implemented.

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