How is it possible for LUNC to be $1?

How is it possible for LUNC to be $1?

LUNC to be $1. The cryptocurrency industry and blockchain technology have been gaining widespread interest and adoption in recent years. However, we also witnessed major declines from time to time. One of the biggest disasters the crypto industry could face was the fall of Terra Luna.

There were multiple factors in this collapse. Market manipulators and mass liquidators played a significant role. This sad event for investors and marketers also provided great enlightenment for future investors.

Terra (LUNA), as it was known before the 2022 crash, is now known as Terra Classic (LUNC). LUNC price has started to attract the attention of investors again, thanks to its recent up-and-down performance.

In this article, we will discuss whether this digital asset has a $1 potential and the comprehensive price analysis conducted to examine this issue.

Will LUNC Rise to $1?

Given current supply, a price of $1 for LUNC would mean the Terra Classic market would be $5.9 trillion. Its market cap was 3 trillion at its peak. ‘$1 ​​LUNC’ is not a reasonable expectation unless the LUNC supply decreases significantly.

Terra Classic may trend upward in 2024 as the launch of Terra Classic-related financial services and global adoption increases. According to CoinMarketCap analysis, LUNC could reach a maximum of $0.000517 in 2024. It is estimated that the 2024 average could be $0.000438.

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