Historical Snapshot December 17, 2017

Historical Snapshot December 17, 2017

When we look at the top of the Coinmarketcap chart above, we see the date of 17 December 2017. Note the date: Just five days before the Great Bitcoin Crash that came on December 22, 2017… Cryptocurrency prices, which were at these levels on December 17, crashed five days later and found the bottom.

When you take a look at the Coinmarketcap chart, Bitcoin is at the top of the list, as it is today. Its price is $19.176. In second place is Ethereum. Comparing its price to today, it’s surprising: $719.98.

There are very interesting cryptos from the 3rd to the 15th row of the Coinmarketcap list. Many of these are not in the top 15 today, but can be found in much lower ranks. Here is the list:

1. Bitcoin $19,140.76
2. Ethereum $719.98
3. Bitcoin Cash $1,862.88
4. XRP $0.7284
5. Litecoin $318.72
6. Cardano $0.513
7. IOTA $3.93
8. Dash $1,105.92
9. NEM $0.6878
10. Monero $351.37
11. Bitcoin Gold $300.49
12. Stellar $0.2666
13. EOS $8.22
14. NEO $68.11
15. Ethereum Classic $34.79

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