Celeste: An alpha woman with shadows. The setbacks romantic intelligent, funny, attractive young people are always fodder for light comedy, except when the light hearts are thwarted by heartache. “Celeste and Jesse Forever” turns the classic romantic comedy with a bracingly honest real-life environment, exploring both the comedy and complexity of love and friendship.
“Will and I grew up with romantic comedies, but those we love are all about grief,” said the luminous Rashida Jones, who co-wrote the script with actor Will McCormack and also stars like Celeste. “We wanted to reverse what everyone expects from this kind of story. Of course, we all thoroughly familiar with the archetypes and structures and points of romantic comedy story-so we wanted to return it. To keep the humor and emotional connection to her public, but get something new.”
Rashida Jones and Will McCormack are laughing openly on the parallel between the real life of their own personal story and screenplay together. “As a couple, we were short lived and ancient history, but we knew we could be friends,” said Will, who nails the role of sidekick Skillz pot dealer with skeeziness comic. “We wrote this film the whole side by side on a single computer. We have written all the words together. Because we were so close for so long, there was a real hot during the writing process. And as new writers, we were very encouraging one another. “Celeste and Jesse Forever” is an effort for the first time writing screenplays for both players-authors.
As Will develop, “Celeste and Jesse are certainly more amplified versions of us. Celestial Travel is interesting because it is a person who thinks she can outsmart heartache. This is something that happens to of other people. She does everything she can to avoid it.”
Indeed, Celeste offers a twist on an archetype that the movies love to despise: the alpha female. “Yeah, Celeste is the driver for high-level career and Jesse is the passive guy who does not grow all the ingredients of a cliché ©,” says Rashida. “But the balance between them is constantly moving out of control Celeste, who kills as a controller. When the reality of losing Jesse blows, it comes by surprise. “Wrestler ambitious Celestial dimensionality is given more compassion than the alpha female stereotype is usually granted.
“Personally, I can relate to a line like” The father of my child will own a car, “says producer Jennifer Todd, herself a professional dynamo with two studio blockbusters and independent theater to its behalf. “Celeste is a very, very recognizable present-day women. But according to the rules of comedy studio, she would lose her job, have a comeuppance. And it would also be out in high heels a lot. Embarrassing things would happen to him. An ambitious woman must become a loser to be likeable. Rashida did not write or play her that way.”
Director Lee Toland Krieger notes that “Even in 2012 it is rare to see such a ambitious woman on the screen which is more than a caricature. Rashida character can be difficult and very serious about his career and also have a sweetness and sadness. “Krieger’s first feature film, The Vicious Kind, has attracted writers for Todd and his drama nervous” Just read the script that I realized they did not want a piece lint They wanted a story about what grief is really like… And I thought MARIS women and I could see how many other filmmakers may be thinking of something broader. It may be harder to take sometimes and a little heartbreaking, but I think people will react to that honesty.”
“It was a tone really hard to find,” said Rashida. “There are so many tricks in the film that are so hard and so fast, and it will be funny and really sad to wide and I hope the truth he needs someone who got that range to find that the wire is.”
Emotional truth, notwithstanding, the goal is hard to miss the fun with the likes of Andy Samberg SNL alum as Jesse, and a set with Emma Roberts, Chris Messina, Elijah Wood and the rest of the support team. As bad girl pop star Riley, stoner sulky Emma Roberts is the antithesis of the Heavenly uber-functional know-it-all.
“Riley lives in a world totally different from Celestial,” said Emma, “So, it’s hilarious to see when their worlds meet and are forced to interact. Riley is unconscious but she is not stupid. I think she is quite simply not how to behave appropriately in certain situations. I think they are both fascinated by the other type because they are against these. I love how their relationship goes from mere annoyance to a kind of love for each other. Or at least understanding.
Related Link: View the Full Production Notes for Celeste and Jesse Forever
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