kylie minogue lyrics   Impossible Princess - 1998

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If I'm scared let me loose it
If I'm hungry let me have it
If I'm cold, let my skin rise
If I'm wrong let me learn it
If I'm grubby, let the dirt stay and
If I'm tired, let me shut my eyes

I have dread and fear and light and laughter
I know there is an ever after
I'm eager and ready, it only hurts sometimes
I run to the future and jump

If I'm hurt let me feel it
If I'm sad let the tears flow
If I'm stupid, let me be that way
If I'm bored let me show it and
If I'm bad, let me be it
If I'm sure let me have my say

I have dread and fear and light and laughter
I know there is an ever after
I'm eager and ready, it only hurts sometimes
I run to the future and jump
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