mariah carey universe
Mariah Carey Movies

Wise Girls
The film centers around Meg (Mira Sorvino), a med student who after a traumatic experience moves to Staten Island to live with her grandmother while she gets back on her feet. Her grandmother's care giver, Mrs. Saladino, recommends Meg a waitress job in a family-run Italian restaurant called 'Santalino's'.
Lillian Frank (Valarie Pettiford) is a performer at a nightclub. Lillian tries to rouse the crowd with her song, "Lillie's Blues", with her daughter Billie (Isabel Gomes) accompanying her on vocals. The plot fails and Lillian is fired. Desperate for money, Lillian goes up to her former lovers house, who is also Billie's father, to ask for some.
The Bachelor
Jimmie Shannon (Chris O’Donnell) values his freedom more than life itself. As his male peers, even his best buddy, Marco (Artie Lange), begin to hook up in marriage, Jimmie continues happily plugging away with his dating lifestyle, in no rush to find "the one."

 Lyrics Gallery
E=MC² - 2008
Glitter - 2001
Rainbow - 1999
Ones - 1998
Butterfly - 1997
Daydream - 1995
Music Box - 1993
Emotions - 1991

Mariah Carey Universe
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