The Katniss Everdeen Barbie Revealed

The Katniss Everdeen Barbie Revealed

The Katniss Everdeen Barbie Revealed. We admit it! We greeted the announcement of a Hunger Games Barbie with a little skepticism. Okay, a lot of skepticism. The secondary marketing for the movie (which took first place at the box office for the third weekend in a row this weekend, beating Titanic‘s 3D rerelease and yet another American Pie movie, grossing more than $450 million globally so far) has ridden a surprisingly satirical line by speaking to its audience as if they were citizens of the hedonistic, voyeuristic Capitol; casting those who would excitedly anticipate The Hunger Games as those who would excitedly anticipate the Hunger Games.

A Katniss Barbie, however, seemed outside of that particular merchandizing plan. We feared the transformation of Katniss Everdeen into a Barbie doll in much the same way that Katniss is transformed into a dressed up Capitol plaything, but it appears what we’ve actually gotten looks more like an action figure than anything else.

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