The Break-Up (2006)
The Break-Up storyline. In a romantic comedy, things typically unfold by a tried-and-true formula: boy meets girl, things go right, then just a little bit wrong, all on way to happily-ever-after.
The Break-Up (2006) Read MoreYour guide to everything about movies released between 2000 and 2010.
The Break-Up storyline. In a romantic comedy, things typically unfold by a tried-and-true formula: boy meets girl, things go right, then just a little bit wrong, all on way to happily-ever-after.
The Break-Up (2006) Read MoreImpostor movie storyline. Spencer Olham is a top-secret government weapons designer who is arrested by a clandestine government organization.
Impostor (2002) Read MoreThe Salton Sea begins with a voice over by Tom Van Allen, describing recent violent and chaotic events in his life as we view a scene of a room on fire, with a partly-incapacitated Tom.
The Salton Sea (2002) Read MoreHappy Accidents storyline. Ruby Weaver has man trouble: she tries to fix them, so she’s stuck herself with a string of losers. Her current lover, Sam Deed, seems different: he’s sweet and tender.
Happy Accidents (2000) Read MoreThe Cell is a bizarre mixture of science fiction and serial murders, mind games and pop psychology, wild images and haunting special effects. It’s a thriller and a fantasy.
The Cell Movie Trailer (2000) Read MoreThe Cell movie storyline. Catharine Deane is a psychotherapist who is part of a revolutionary new treatment which allows her mind to literally enter the mind of her patients.
The Cell (2000) Read More